What if true healing is possible?

It absolutely stinks to experience trauma. It’s like someone came and dumped a whole bunch of trash on your front porch (then sometimes you add a few bags of your own) & now you get to clean it up. It’s frustrating. You wonder why God allowed it. You have so many questions, but you’re busy trying to just survive the day. You wonder how this can ever be different.

Hi. My name is Tabitha.

I’m a trauma specialist, licensed therapist, and certified in all kinds of cool things. What I mostly am, though, is passionate about helping you heal those broken places you don’t know what to do with. Though I’m a Christian, I’m not a “take-two-verses-and-call-me-in-the-morning” kinda gal. What you’ll find here is practical help that can help you walk out of the valley of the shadow of death.

You can read my whole bio here.

Life is a journey and we are all in process. Trauma makes our path rocky and uncertain and even terrifying at times. But true healing - mind, soul, and body - is possible. It’s okay not to be okay, but you don't have to stay there.

On this site are resources to help - useful blogs borne out of my clinical expertise, videos, podcast episodes, & online courses. My sincere hope is that something here will be helpful to you in your healing journey.

This isn’t counseling and isn’t meant to treat any mental health disorders, but it is information that can help you on your journey. If you’re struggling and need counseling, please look for a local counselor in your area. A great search term can be “trauma counselor near me” in Google.

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